Changes to Flights of Fancy Mom’s Page!

If you’re a regular here, you may have noticed some changes to Flights of Fancy Mom’s page! Not only am I a blogger, I am a business owner. As mentioned in my FoFM Boutique page, I have my hands in a lot of things. Between being a jewelry designer, a crafter, an author, and many other things. I truly enjoy bringing articles to you all and I hope you enjoy them as well!

Feel free to hop around my blog and even stop in at my shops. Tell me what you like and don’t like! As a small business owner, I know I can’t make everyone happy, but, I try my darndest!  And I truly appreciate your support of not only my blog but also me as a small business owner.

changes to flights of fancy mom's page

As a single mom, making ends meet can be rough. And I don’t say that to garner sympathy from you. I know there are MANY others who are in worse positions than myself. When I was laid off from my job last year, I did anything and everything I could think of to bring money in. I had many people tell me that they would never have thought to do half the things I’ve done. That they’ve only sent out resume’s and hoped for the best.

I went out and taught myself how to make jewelry. My sister supported my endeavors by purchasing a Cricut machine for me as a Christmas gift. So, I’ve learned how to make different crafts and such, that people love to see. I’ve opened up a couple of Etsy shops. You can hover over the FOFM Etsy Shops link above and go to any of the three I have listed. I do vendor shows and have had many people stop by to look at and purchase my creations. I’ve also joined a couple of Direct Sales businesses. SeneGence (LipSense) and Country Scents Candles. My own Virtual Assistant business can be seen here, at Jacqui of All Trades.

So, I am taking a moment here, to share my story, and yes, links to my shops. I hope you take a few moments to look around! Even if you don’t see anything you’re interested in, but, know of someone who may be? Share it with them! You can also check out my Amazon Influencer Shop!

I genuinely appreciate your support of my blog (clicking affiliate links) and my small businesses! Let me know what you think of the changes to Flights of Fancy Mom’s page!

changes to flights of fancy mom's page

Disclaimer: There are affiliate links on this page. If you make a purchase from them, I may make a small commission from your purchase. There is no additional charge to you. And while the government will gleefully take a nice portion, I thank you for your support of my blog!


One response to “Changes to Flights of Fancy Mom’s Page!”

  1. Hi mommy!

    We share thebsame niche about motherhood and crafting. I was once a solo parent to two daughters too before I finally met this brave men who chose to be with us forever. Now, we have a little baby girl making it three daughters for me.. ? happy blogging and continue rocking for your dreams!


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