About Jacqui

About Jacqui and Vintage Roots and Hippie Wings

Vintage Roots and Hippie Wings is a page where dreams, adventures and at times, random thoughts are put to page.  This empty nester who is a gypsy at heart and wants to start experiencing the most out of what the world has to offer those with disabilities. I am a 50-something empty nester who is learning to enjoy life as it comes. I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis and went a few years with a lower quality of life. I want to get back to enjoying lift as it comes, without regret and make every day count. Posts you will find here include:

  • Traveling. Solo Traveling. Traveling with a disability.
  • Lifestyle. I’m in my empty nest era. My son has graduated college and living his best life. It’s my turn.
  • Car Camping
  • What I do outside of normal jobs such as a jewelry designer and crafter and published author!

So, make sure to subscribe to my blog here to stay up to date!  You can also join me over on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

Jacqui - Flights of Fancy Mom
Test driving the Chevy Traverse

I did the standard life things that most people do.  Finished high school, went to college, married and had a child. Things happened and I became a single mom. After my divorce, I went back to college to pursue my Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Management. Because I was working full time and a single mom, I originally started with online courses through Regis University. But due to classes getting harder, it was easier to finish with traditional and online classes at Wilmington University in New Castle, DE. For fun, I decided to go for a Diploma in Irish Studies from the University of Galway in Ireland.

I love to read, hang out with family and friends, go to the movies and pass time doing crafts including crocheting blankets to calm my mind from an otherwise busy life. In some free time, I am writing and try to get my creative juices flowing coming up with different ideas of books I want to write.  I used to blog under Single Parent Retreat and Single Mama Review Corner.

In 2010 Murray Newlands featured my blog Single Parent Retreat.  However, after five years of blogging, I took a break to decide what I wanted to do in life. As a result, I started Flights of Fancy Mom in May 2015 and am having a blast with it! In May 2017, I was featured in an article on Career School Now.

I am a born and raised Delawarean. However, I moved to Pennsylvania in 2016 because I didn’t want to be a weekend mom due to my son choosing to attend the high school where his dad lives. I was laid off from my position as a Sr. Technical Documentation Writer with a large financial corporation in April 2017. My first book, Cavern Cove, published in the Summer of 2016!  Very exciting moment! It is available in paperback or Kindle version. In a few years, I hope to start traveling the country in an RV. This is where my passion for later in life path changes and starting out life following your dreams came from and Flights of Fancy Mom was born. I start this at home and I encourage my son to follow his dreams, wherever they may lead him.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. But the one most adaptable to change.” ~ Darwin

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