Online Reselling – Where Can You List Your Items?

So, you’re taking that step into the fab world of online reselling. That’s fantastic!  Welcome to the club! Warning!  Online reselling can become addictive and you will want to sell all. The. Things!!! You may laugh at that, but, when your child acts up, you start wondering how much you can get for them. But, to know WHERE to sell, you have to know WHAT your selling. So… If you want to sell your child? eBay wouldn’t be the best place.  Etsy would be. Why?  Well, because they’re handmade! I kid, I kid!  Selling your children is completely illegal. DON’T DO IT. Going to jail is NOT worth it! Yes, I bolded that because I am not going to be blamed for someone taking me seriously lol. I was going for the point of knowing the answer to the question, where can you list your items?

To get that answer, you will need to know what your selling.

Etsy – This site is for handmade items and vintage items. Sure, there are those who purchase items on Alibaba and list it as handmade. However, if you’re found out? Your account will be reported and closed. As a jewelry designer and crafter myself? I put a lot of work into my creations and listings. I want to be respected for that. I’m not the only one who feels that way. So, if you have a hobby that you do? Why not make some money from it? Everyone can use the extra money for various reasons, right? Read this book to learn more about selling your handcrafted items on Etsy.

Online Reselling
This is one of the items I have listed in my Etsy shop.

eBay – This site is AMAZING for online reselling. You are able to list anything and everything under the sun. However, it’s not the older days when resellers were making tons of money by purchasing inventory through clearance sections and thrift stores and marking them up a lot. People still want to know that they’re getting a good deal. But, you need to know what are the top sellers. If you know what you want to sell, go into the category you’re researching and hit that advanced search link. Look at the completed sold listings. You can see my current listings HERE. If you don’t have an eBay account set up, read my post on how to set up your account and list your first item. There are plenty of free books on Amazon to learn how to sell on eBay through the Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans. If you haven’t already, click that link to get your 30-day free trial!

Online Reselling
Listing for a Prom dress I currently have up.

Amazon – Amazon is a HUGE resellers paradise. This one, there is a good percentage of people who ship their items manually. Not going to lie. But, there are much much more who just ship their items to Amazon and let them deal with the shipping. This is also known as FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon). I have not dipped my toes into this yet. But, I am still researching it. I just bought the book, Amazon FBA – Step by Step to learn more about it. If you make handmade items, you can apply to sell them on Amazon as well.  This costs almost $40 per month. So, I have been accepted, but, I am not at the place yet, that I can afford that monthly cost.

Poshmark – I am newer to selling on Poshmark. However, if you sell mainly clothing? This is a great place to do it. With Poshmark, you need to share your items throughout any given day. Keep your items in front of people. They do parties as well. JOIN THEM! Share your items with the parties as well. Share other Poshmarkers listings and they share yours as well. You help each other out by doing this because not everyone follows the same sellers. So, while this one is a great venue? It does take work. But, as with any business venture, you have to put the time in. Take a look at my items HERE.

Mecari – This one I am completely new to. I just started listing items for online reselling here this week. It seems to get a lot of action. I’ve had a lot of views and a few messages about my products already. It’s very easy to use. They have a deal with the post office and FedEx, so, if you print your label through them, they are set rates of $4 through USPS for 0 – 1 lb and $3.80 for FedEx. 1 – 3 lbs is USPS $7 and $5 FedEx. 3 – 10 lbs is USPS $9 and FedEx $7 and 10 – 20 lbs USPS $15 and FedEx $10. I list mine as only using USPS as I live in a rural area, so, FedEx is harder for me to ship. You can see my current listings HERE. Join Mercari using my referral code MJGNXX and you can earn $10!

Online Reselling
A listing that just sold today on Mercari

depop – This online reselling site has been around for a while. But, I’ll be darned if I ever heard of it until my son started selling on there!  It is all clothing items. I haven’t seen anything else, and I don’t list on there, but, he’s already sold four things and it’s been doing it for less than a month already. So, yay for him!  I love the entrepreneurial spirit and encourage it everywhere I go with my family and friends. He’d like to become an online reseller, so, I’ll be taking him out with me to show him the tricks of the trade :). Take a look at his listings HERE!

Facebook Marketplace – Ok, I know we ALL know about the Marketplace.  This is more so for local sales. You can change the distance that you’re willing to look or deliver to. It’s automatically set to 40 miles from your location. If you have bigger items. Couches, chairs, tables and/or TV’s. This one will be your bread and butter. Just have people come to your home and pick the item up. Or, you can also charge a delivery fee if they can’t. You can renew your items every seven days. And like other online reselling venues, the Marketplace has categories, so, when people are searching for specific items. They WILL find you.

This list is just seven places for online reselling. If you are an online reseller, what other sites would you suggest? Comment them below for everyone to read and learn!

Online Reselling

Disclaimer: There are affiliate links in this post. If you happen to purchase anything from those links, I will earn a small commission. There is no extra charge to you for this. So, don’t be afraid!  Click on those links when you make a purchase in support of Flights of Fancy Mom :). I thank you in advance for your continued blog support.

If you enjoy reading, you should check out my YA Paranormal book, Cavern Cove! Click the image to be taken to Amazon. It is also available at Barnes and Noble for your Nook and in Paperback! It’s also available on iBooks!

6 responses to “Online Reselling – Where Can You List Your Items?”

  1. Interesting. My wife and I are always looking for new ways to get side hustles going. Will have to check out the sites for selling items in this list that we aren’t familiar with. Mecari sounds like something to look into.


  2. Oh I hadn’t heard of a couple of these. Great rundown on each and what they’re good for. I definitely have quite a few things I need to list and now I know where to put them


  3. I like Posh and Mercari! I like Mercari for the cheaper shipping/more options than just the flat rate, but i like Posh because of the parties.


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